Author: Viktoriya
How ‘Black Widow’ has been subject to the Male Gaze
The term ‘Male Gaze‘ was coined by Laura Mulvey in her 1975 essay ‘Visual Pleasures and Narrative…
Manufacturing Consent: How Media Filters Appear in the Music Industry
‘Manufacturing Consent’ is a 1988 book by Noam Chomsky and David S Herman which proposed that US…
‘Call Her Daddy’ Podcast: The Medium is the Message
In 1964, McLuhan proposed that the medium used for content is far more important than the content…
The Two Step Flow Theory: ‘I have been influenced’
A study conducted in the 1940s by Paul Lazarsfeld, Hazel Gaudet, and Bernard Berelson found that during…
a little bit about me
Hi! My name is Viktoriya Pavlykivska, I am 19 years old. Although ethnically I come from Ukraine,…