Hello, Welcome to Me.

Hello, I’m Cassius, and I am a student at the University of Westminster, studying Digital Media and Communications.

Being (essentially) raised on the Internet, it was inevitable that I would become immensely interested in the digital world as I progressed through my adolensence.

After a few years of being a content creator, I had become engrossed in the theoretical nature of our online world, and how much our society had changed due to the many emerging platforms and technologies. I decided to pursue Digital Media as my field of study to hopefully satisfy this curiosity, and to increase my understanding of the world in general.

In addition, I am deeply interested in the ethical practice of AI, and would love to explore the morality surrounding our potential dependency on these artificially intelligent tools.

Outside of my academic career, I enjoy music, particularly the work of Phoebe Bridgers and The Beatles, along with attempting to create some pieces of my own. I also enjoy writing, watching movies, and playing video games.

After completing my degree, I hope to continue my academic study, with hopes to potentially become a professor. In the meantime, I would love to do social media/marketing jobs to keep me afloat whilst I maneuver through my studies.

Thank you for reading!

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