Culture industry

What is culture industry?

The word” culture industry“was mentioned in the book called

“Dialectic of Enlightenment” by theodor adorno and max horkheimer,

and was presented as critical vocabulary in the chapter “The Culture

Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception.

Adorno and Horkheimer argued that the culture industry is driven by capitalist motives. Cultural products are created and distributed primarily for profit, with commercial success being the ultimate goal. This often results in a focus on formulaic and easily marketable content.

How culture industry related to celebrity?


As a singer, Rihanna started her her cosmetic career at the peak of her popularity.

Rihanna used the popularity of the singer, her beauty brand was very popular, and on the basis of the original, she launched a cosmetics color number suitable for various races and skin tones, which at the same time called on everyone to stop racial discrimination.

1 thought on “Culture industry

  1. A great description on the origin of the term ‘culture industry’, it’s straight to the point. However, I do find that this isn’t great in terms of information. You could have added a lot more, considering there is a word count. More information to do with the book can be added as well as a bit of background on the theorists in general, possibly what their first works were and a further deep dive into the book and what it contains. The example you’ve used is okay but again, can be further explained as to why and how she, as a celebrity, is related to the culture industry. This work feels rushed and it’s a shame.

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