Electronic games are of great significance to the development of cultural industries

On November 10, 2022 the European Parliament adopted a resolution on esports and video games.The resolution calls on the European Commission and the Board of Directors to adopt national and EU support for the development of the European games industry, as well as formulate a long-term plan for the industry’s development and talent retention.

Laurence Farreng, a member of parliament, stated during the proposal of the decision, “Games have become an important part of the cultural life of half of Europeans. However, we have yet to establish a European vision for the future of this industry.”

Europe encourages the development of the game industry through high votes,Industry insiders revealed the latest data on the European video game industry at the parliament:

Currently, the European gaming industry has an annual output value of 23.3 billion euros. There are 4,900 online game studios and over 200 game publishers in Europe, with 20% of them being women. Half of Europeans consider themselves gamers, with half of them being women. The average age of gamers is 31.3 years old, and 70% of young people aged 6-24 have played video games.

Furthermore, according to the KeyFacts report jointly released by the Interactive Software Federation of Europe and the European Games Developer Federation in August of this year, European players spend an average of 9 hours per week on games, and games are popular among all age groups.

Clearly, catalyzed by the economic impact of the pandemic, gaming has become one of the most popular cultural and creative activities in Europe and an important part of the European economic landscape.

At the parliament site, MEP Laurence Farreng, the main driver of the decision, stated in the debate before the vote, “Video games are the most dynamic part of our cultural economy and the only industry that has experienced positive growth during the COVID-19 crisis. For more than half of Europeans, video games are an important part of their cultural activities, but until today, the EU has lacked prospects and attention in this area. Today, the European Parliament will formally request the development of a European video games strategy.”

For the European Union, the “EU Games Resolution” holds deeper strategic significance for the development of the electronic game industry. It not only means that the industry will receive more funding and policy assistance in the future but also signifies that the development path of European electronic games and e-sports will undergo new changes.

The value and significance of electronic games are recognized

The EU clearly recognizes the role of the electronic game industry in promoting the digital economy and cultural and creative industries, making it an important pillar in the global game industry’s development.

As early as October of this year, a meeting of the European Parliament “set the tone” for the video game industry, stating that investment in games and e-sports will help enhance the EU’s soft power. During this decision, the European Parliament also emphasized the importance of video games from multiple perspectives:

On one hand, electronic games hold great significance for the development of the cultural industry. As a crucial part of the creative and cultural industries, electronic games not only inspire and influence the development of other cultural media in the film, book, and other sectors but also, through innovative technical means and various artistic skills, form cross-field media and promote the development and expansion of culture and art. On the other hand, the development of the electronic game industry will also act as a catalyst in the field of scientific research. It greatly promotes scientific and technological research and possesses strong innovative value. Moreover, there are development prospects in areas such as science popularization and continuing education, which can inspire a new generation of European workers to enter the industry.

Reference:The European Parliament Calls for a Long-Term European Video Game and Esports Strategy | Crowell & Moring LLP

Texts adopted – Esports and video games – Thursday, 10 November 2022 (europa.eu)

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