Analysing-Construction of Identity in a digital world

With the development of the information age and digital media, individuals are being given more space to express themselves. We are getting better at constructing our identity in a digital world. Therefore, the theme of this blog is: Construction of Identity in a digital world.

In modern society, a well-constructed identity can often be positively perceived by the public (Erving Goffman, 1959).For example, Cui Jin. He’s an internet blogger who now has millions of followers. He started out by posting accounts of his life on tiktok, mostly funny quotes. But he didn’t get much attention. Until last year, he started updating videos of himself doing charity work, vlogging about motorbike races, and going to popular scenic spots to take atmospheric photos. He grew a million followers in a year and received a lot of positive comments.

But at the same time, as we choose to share content on social media platforms more easily and more frequently, it’s worth thinking about whether all of the content that is being displayed is necessarily true?Anaïs Nin once said,”I change every day,change my patterns, my concepts, my interpretations.I am a series of moods and sensations. I play a thousand roles.”

Take myself for example, I have three different social media accounts on a platform called Weibo. When someone asks to follow me, I give them different social media accounts depending on who they are. For example, my parents and teachers are in one category, my real-life friends are in a second, and my online friends may be in another. This is because I want to present myself differently to different people. So that I can gain different social values. For example, in front of my teachers and family, I want to be serious and earnest, while in front of my friends I may be more lively and willing to share some entertainment. I have constructed different identities, so I don’t really show my true self to some people. But this gives me a comfortable way of interacting.

This is the page where you can switch Weibo accounts.

The construction of identities in the digital world does bring us many benefits. We are more likely to be liked and we are also able to portray an image that is more favourable to us. (Erving Goffman, 1959.) And through these interactions we can also strengthen social bonds. On the other hand, there is a risk of constructing false identities. Individuals may develop a strong sense of vanity in order to gain positive attention, and then over-glorify themselves, leaving the public with poor information.

In conclusion, identity construction is a given in the digital world. Through classroom learning and this analysis, we should also think about how to rationally use it in our lives.

Reference list:

Goffman, E.(1959). ‘The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’ in Social Theory Re-Wired.

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1 thought on “Analysing-Construction of Identity in a digital world

  1. I know this blogger too! He was previously a regular guest on a show. However, due to the popularity of the Internet in recent years, many people have turned to the Internet to set up “character” and sell goods. It’s a good way to get income, but like you said we have to be careful about whether they over-glorify themselves on the Internet.

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