Medium theory

What is medium theory?

Medium theory is a communication technique used to transmit information from a source to an audience. In a sense this theory is an outlet from a higher profile to an audience, a way of giving direction either verbally or not and this can be in a propaganda way to get the public on the sources side. Helping ensure the message reaches the intended spectators helping them understand the purpose and message behind, whether it is hidden or not. This therefore helps information and opinions be consumed more easily. We use medium theory to help analyse the relationship between higher profiles and audiences as we don’t approach media in a direct sense with consume in different ways, social media and oral for example.

Who created medium theory?

Harold Innis was the first theorist in the medium, stating medium is through knowledge and information which circulates but this is more important than the content of a message. In 1967 Marshall McLuhan stated that ‘The medium is the message,’ this helps us as students analyse that medium theory is a key way to successfully communicate to an audience getting a message across. This helps highlight how important it is for how something is communicated rather than what is communicated. Giving spotlight to the word medium, the middle aspect. In his explanation, McLuhan uses the example of the lightbulb to convey his theory, there isn’t content in the lightbulb but it helps us see clearer and gives us light. This gives us a success from invention. In 1983, Raymond Williams criticised McLuhans theory expressing how technical studies come from experimenting/trialing which helps change society as observations proposed will provide evidence. Where McLuhan didn’t provide evidence to his theory, this is why it is continuously challenged by other theorists such as Williams.

Application to the 21st century

McLuhan’s theory is still relevant now however, the theory is dated. This is because, this observation was created before more complicated technology and the web was created as well as various other technologies. Various theorists have challenged the theory as there is no concrete evidence to it. So yes the theory is still relevant but needs updating to fit social views now with an evidential side to back up the theory, and align views.Medium is the message of communication to a wide audience but other factors create communication as well. In example, social media communication this could be through videos, posts or even just messaging. This therefore, expresses how McLuhan’s theory is still being used and appreciated but is in need of a change or improvement as expressed by Williams saying that there is a lack of evidence behind the observation, making it even harder for application now.

Reference list

Administrator (2019). Medium Theory. [online] Communication. Available at:

Anon, (n.d.). McLuhan vs. Williams | Creative technologies for the screen. [online] Available at: (n.d.). Blackboard Learn. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Nov. 2023].

Theories of Media and Communication: Blog 6. (2020). The Medium is the Message: is it still relevant in this age?[online] Available at:

2 thoughts on “Medium theory

  1. I have learnt through your blog that media theory is indeed a good high-level channel to convey information to the audience. But the limitation is that we can’t have direct access to the media, resulting in the masses being prone to receiving false or incomplete information. And with the rapid development of network technology, the emergence of social media has indeed solved the above shortcomings to a large extent, and each of us can become a disseminator of information. At the same time, it is worthwhile for us to think about what we should do in the process of avoiding the spread of bad and untrue information in this society where information spreads so fast.

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