Manufacturing consent

Social media is like the ‘Truman Show’

Social media now seems to create a fake world in which people are included and forced to accept the information they want to present, this phenomenon just confirms Noam Chosky and Edward S Herman’s point in “manufacturing consent”.

Noam Chomsky
Edward S Herman

We can see” Western media “as” propaganda media”, for ‘economic’ purposes, social media would spreads the views of elites classed, in which they use filters to display biased reports in favor of the interests of power structures to get the masses to agree with their agenda.

Media manipulation among American voters

In the previous US presidential elections, social media kept participating in and played an important role in the election process, the “social media war” is very complicated, some news media even claimed that the US social media giants are more powerful than the US politicians, that can be proved to be right.

Common social platforms include Instagram, Twitter, snapchat and Facebook. The population of users of these media platforms is very massive. Behind these platforms, a large number of users’ dynamic trends data are collected, on this basis, the political trends that media want users to see are pushed.

False information is a common measure used in American social media, where they will use malicious diversion leads to completely reverse information.

During this period, people will release different viewpoints based on their own stands, then the media will take action to suppress public opinion to control the spread of unfavorable information.

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