What is ?

The book is called ‘The Game‘ the title of a 1988 book by sociologist Edward s. Hallmark and journalist Noam Chomsky. The term describes how selective reporting and commentary can influence public opinion and build consensus on an issue.

The concept of ‘cheating consent’ is based on the theory of the media’s influence on public opinion.The argument is about that while the media are not guided by specific instructions and guidelines, they are more likely to report on certain issues in a critical manner and attract attention, leading to consensus or consensus formation.

The most important aspects of this theory are:

  • Professional Selection process: The professional editing and selection process is the choice made by the media in the selection of possible news content. The decisions and priorities of this process may reflect the interaction between the media and the power structure.
  • Commercial interests and advertising pressure: Media are often companies driven by pressure from advertisers and other commercial interests, which can influence the choice and performance of a particular subject.
  • Political power and freedom of expression: The media often rely on political power to provide information and freedom of expression, which can lead to distrust of the government or other authorities because these rights are not lost.
  • Media consistency: In an environment dominated by mass media, different media may take a common view and report to form a dominant view, resulting in consensus.
  • This concept is not a deliberate attempt by the media to mislead the public, but rather highlights systematic trends in the media’s choice of topics, reports and commentary that can have a profound impact on public opinion. This theory has led to discussion and research on media and power relations.
  • The selection and reinforcement of information: The media will selectively gather this information and emphasize certain points or themes in their coverage of events and topics. It can influence public opinion on a subject and build consensus in society.
  • Agenda: Select topics and focus points, and the media will focus their efforts on drawing public attention to specific issues.” The ability to set the agenda influences the attention and importance of social issues in the media by generating consensus.
  • Public opinion: Guiding public opinion through commentary, analysis, and editorials. This is a key factor in fostering social consensus.
  • Social identity: Media often shape specific social groups or values and are associated with social identity in some way. Such expressions can generate empathy and consensus in society.
  • Social media: The role of social media in spreading information is increasing. The exchange of information, comments and opinions on social media affects social consensus.
  • Information climate: Creating a specific media environment can influence people’s perceptions of social phenomena. This view has influenced the public consensus to some extent.

1 thought on “What is ?

  1. Your blog is very theoretical and you listed every important aspect of the theory, which gave me a comprehensive understanding of the theory, but it might be better if you gave more specific examples.

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