From Screen to Scene: How Two-Step Flow Shapes Movie Choices

‘Two Step Flow theory’ means that big ideas flow from mass media to opinion leaders, and from them to the wider population, and most people form their own opinions under the influence of opinion leaders. In addition to the actual media content, opinion leaders also deliver their own interpretation of the message.

The source is

There are many youtuber who are passionate about movies and have some understanding of the film industry and like to participate in discussions about movies. They take the time to watch trailers, read reviews and discussions about the movie and then share their thoughts with the audience by filming their reactions to the video or movie.

For example, after the Barbie movie was released last month, there were a lot of youtuber to share their analysis and opinions on the movie. As Opinion Leaders, the opinions they share will influence those people who have not personally seen the trailer or know the details of the movie. They may be influenced by the opinions and recommendations of Opinion Leaders, so as to decide whether to go to the cinema to watch the movie.

This example demonstrates the principle of two-stage flow theory: media information first spreads through opinion leaders before reaching a wider audience. This highlights the critical role that influential individuals play in shaping public opinion and decision-making processes.


Media- Critical Perspectives G325: Two Step Flow Theory (

barbie the movie – YouTube

5 thoughts on “From Screen to Scene: How Two-Step Flow Shapes Movie Choices

  1. I really like how you opened the post by explaining what two-step flow theory is! And also providing the diagram was a great choice as it will allow those who aren’t familiar with this theory understand it better. And then you proceed to. implement the theory into a real life example! Over all I think. it was an informative post. However I think in the future you can go further into example as I did feel like it was a bit too brief and short, maybe providing more details can improve reader’s understanding of the theory and how it works in real life. But other than that I really enjoyed reading this post! I also love your title!

  2. I really like your writing style that you used brief language to explain what is “ Two Step Flow theory” and how this theory works in media. In your blogs, you mentioned the latest hot movie as an example to convince us, and it’s absolutely a good example because i went to see this movie through the comments from influencers, the experience combined with your example has made me completely understand this theory.

  3. I think it was a great idea to make reference to the Barbie movie and the attention that it got with the media. It’s a good choice to use as an example of the two step theory.

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